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Hemyock Primary School

Welcome to

Hemyock Primary School

Information for Parents

Under the ‘Parents‘ tab you will find:


  • News and letters – recent communication with parents/carers, menus, calendars and term dates.
  • Key documents – forms, information on uniform, sports premium and pupil premium plans.
  • Community Links
  • Links for parents – OFSTED, Department for Education, School Performance Data, SATs Results.
  • Policies


Our School Day:

8.40am               School gates open to go straight to class.

8.50am               Morning registration.

10.10am              KS1 break (10.30am finish)

10.30am             KS2 break (10.50am finish)

12pm                  Lunch time.

1pm                    Afternoon registration      

3.30pm              The end of the school day. 


Curriculum and learning 


Please refer to the ‘Curriculum‘ tab above where you will find our intent for each subject taught at Hemyock Primary School. In the ‘Children‘ tab above you will also find class letters with further details of our current curriculum provision under each class name.


Supporting pupils with SEND 


Hemyock Primary School is a primary school which is proud of its inclusivity with Special Educational Needs and disabilities (SEND). Our SENDCo, Alice Tolen, is in school on Mondays and Tuesdays and is available for our pupils and parents where the need arises. Our SEND offer is included in the SEND Information Report 2024-25 which can also be found in our SEND policy.

The Devon Local Offer for SEND can be found here:


Bad weather procedure


During episodes of bad weather we will always endeavour to keep our school open, with safety being our first priority. In the event of severe weather please check this area of the website. for updates and notices. If the school has to close, a text message will be sent to all parents/carers to advise you of the closure.